What is Biomass?
Biomass is a collective name for plant and animal materials that we use as a raw material or energy-source. This could, for example, be wood, pruning waste, waste from the food industry or in our case: Elephant grass.
Elephant grass is a very sustainable sollution as bio-mass since it doenst effect any deforestation, has a sustainable long term footprint and absorbs 4 times more co2 from the air then a regular forest. Our bio mass is used mainly in the energy marked: powerplants.
The Paris climate agreementis states that the use of biomass now and towards 2030 and 2050 is necessary to make our economy more sustainable inorder to achieve the climate challenges and the set goals. In this biomass sector; Wood is not the biomas sollution:the wood is simpley insufficient and the demand already exceeds the request. The best solltutiuon according to several EU-studies for sustaible long term bio mass is Elefant grass.

Unique properties
Concerning the purpose of CO2 neutral requirement (Net-zero Carbon), Terrasnovas research group has come to some initial assessment: Having the photosynthetic properties of the C4 cycle, elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) can produce a new volume of dry matter-associated biomass 3-4 times higher than that of woody plants, reaching 42.5 - 63.8 tons/ha/year, equivalent to a carbon accumulation capacity (at the rate of 47.97% dry matter) of 20.4 - 30.6 tons/ha/year. Converting according to the C-CO2 coefficient (3.67 times) shows that the CO2 absorption capacity reaches 74.8 - 112.3 tons/ha/year. Meanwhile, factors causing greenhouse gas emissions such as tillage, fertilizer, mechanization, pesticides, are much lower compared to other yearly and seasonal crops.
This plant shows almost no competition for fertile agricultural soil with other staple grain and food crops, has resistance to pests and disease while possessing extremely high CO2 absorption capacity. Elephant grass is thus a very potential energy crop in the near future. Elephant grass biomass may possibly be a “super clean” material for producing organic fertilizer serving premium markets such as Spain.
Terrasnovas sells biomass and we are gladly to give you a quote or more info.
-Lets be Co2 negative-
What you should know about Miscanthus?


A power plant also referred to as a powerstation and sometimes generating station or generating plant, is an industrial facility for the generation of electric power. Power stations are generally connected to an electrical grid.
Many power stations contain one or more generators, rotating machine that converts mechanical power into three-phase electric power. The relative motion between a magnetic field and a conductor creates an electric current.
The energy source harnessed to turn the generator varies widely. Most power stations in the world burn fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas to generate electricity. Low-carbon power sources include nuclear power, and use of renewables such as solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric.
-Welcome to the future-

The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is the European Union's flagship policy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through a market-based approach.
It is the world’s first and largest emissions trading system, covering over 11,000 power stations, factories, and airlines operating within Europe.
How does it work?
- Cap: Sets a limit on emissions for power plants, factories, and airlines, reducing annually.
- Trade: Companies buy/sell allowances. Each allowance = 1 ton of CO₂.
Phases of Progress:
- Phase 1 (2005-2007): Launched with free allowances.
- Phase 2 (2008-2012): Stricter caps; limited international credits.
- Phase 3 (2013-2020): More auctioning, aviation sector added.
- Phase 4 (2021-2030): Deeper cap cuts and tighter rules for higher impact.
- Emissions dropped by 35% from 2005 to 2020 in covered sectors.
- Supports the EU goal: 55% emissions reduction by 2030.